Camper code of conduct

Welcome to Szarvas Camp! We are excited to have you join our community. In order to ensure that everyone has a positive and enriching experience, we have created the following Code of Conduct. This code summarizes the standards of conduct and responsibility for all participants, including campers, staff and volunteers. The behavioral guidelines for staff are explained in more detail in the Camp manual.

Respect and Inclusion

Safety and Prosperity

Responsibility and Accountability

Participation and Engagement


Digital Behavior

Conflict management


Relationships in the camp

Environmental awareness


Violations of the Code of Conduct will result in consequences commensurate with the seriousness of the act, including verbal warnings, withdrawal of privileges or in severe cases exclulsion from camp.

Acceptance of Code of Conduct

By participating in Szarvas Camp, you accept this Code of Conduct. Your cooperation will help create a safe, respectful and enjoyable environment for everyone.

We are excited to share the magic of Szarvas with you!


Lat updated: 24.06.2024.