Camp programs and activities

During the 12-day sessions, campers have the opportunity to participate in diverse and unique programs. Here are some of them:

Peula: At Szarvas camp, a peula is a daily activity based on informal education. Led by madrichim, peulot aims to provide educational, entertaining, and community-building experiences. Each peula addresses the camp's daily theme.

Madrich Time: This is a session where campers spend time with their madrichim and groups. During this time, madrichim lead various activities, discussions, and group sessions aimed at team building, personal development, and a deeper understanding of Jewish identity and values.

Hora: Hora is a dance activity where campers and madrichim learn and practice Israeli dance steps and choreographies together. Hóra is a particularly important part of camp life, as the dance not only provides entertainment but also strengthens community bonds and connections to Jewish culture. The dances create a communal experience and contribute to the camp's cohesiveness.

Singing: Singing at Szarvas camp is a communal singing activity where campers learn and sing various songs in Hebrew. This is a very important and cherished program in camp life because singing enhances the sense of community and allows campers to connect with Jewish culture and traditions through music.

Bibliodrama: Bibliodrama is an interactive and experiential method for exploring and interpreting biblical stories and texts. Participants take on the roles of biblical characters, using improvisation and role-play to delve into the texts. This approach allows individuals to develop a deeper connection with the stories and gain new insights into biblical texts and their own lives.

Art: The "art program" at Szarvas camp is a creative activity for campers. These programs provide young people with the opportunity to express themselves artistically while discovering and exploring Jewish culture and traditions through art. The art program aims to develop campers' creative skills and encourage artistic self-expression.

In addition to these, campers can enjoy swimming, and participate in sports programs like tennis, soccer, or volleyball. Each year, we strive to innovate and introduce fresh and exciting programs into the daily camp life.