110% Fun

experiență internațională

Participanți din 30 de țări se întâlnesc în fiecare vară pentru a se bucura de sesiuni a câte 12 zile.



În tabăra Szarvas vei găsi o gamă bogată de activități prin care își poți îmbogăți și cultiva aptitudinile sportive, comunicative sau creative. Unele din excursiile noastre pe bicicletă încep la 5:30 dimineața!



Abordarea noastră asupra iudaismului este deschisă și pluralistă. Acceptăm toate denominațiile, stilurile și nivelurile de iudaism. Poți învăța rugăciuni, cântece, vizita sinagoga sau pur și simplu să te bucuri de a fi evreu.



Folosind metode informale de educație, echipa noastră îi însoțește pe participanți pe drumul explorării temei taberei și al programului acesteia. De asemenea, ai posibilitatea să înveți cum se scrie un articol pentru un ziar sau cum se crează un cântec.


Dates 2024

Session 1: June 30 – July 12

Session 2: July 14 – 26

Session 3: July 28 – August 9

Session 4: August 11 – 23

Participation Fee and Application

For Hungarian campers and those applying to the International Group, the application for Szarvas Camp 2024 started on 21 April.

Note: since 2024, on the new registration system, before applying for participation in summer camp, a new account/registration has to be made.

Please click here to learn more about the registration and application processes and the participation fee.

International Group

The International Group is intended for teens who want to experience Szarvas camp and get to know even closer teens from other countries and cultures. In order to take part in the International group, the teens need to be between 14 and 18 years old, and they need to have a good level of spoken English. The daily program of the International Group is the same as any other group's and is entirely conducted in English. The International Group will take place during all sessions this summer.

Campers from around the world to travel to the International Jewish Summer Camp in Hungary, where they spend two weeks making friends from around the world, exploring their own family roots, and learning about life in different Jewish communities. They do not serve as counselors, but rather enjoy the warm summer camp environment as equal participants with Jewish students their age from around the world.

Additional Events

Events and activities related to the preparation of the Summer camp

Community events from January to June 

Community events from August to December



We believe in inclusive, innovative, and sustainable Jewish communities that enable self-fulfillment for all their members.


Szarvas Camp nurtures Jewish identity and belonging within a safe and celebratory educational environment. We cultivate Jewish literacy, leadership and the interconnectivity of young Jews and their communities worldwide. 


The camp is a joint program of JDC and the Ronald S. Lauder Foundation. The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) is the world’s leading Jewish humanitarian assistance organization. JDC works in more than 70 countries and in Israel to alleviate hunger and hardship, rescue Jews in danger, create lasting connections to Jewish life, and provide immediate relief and long-term development support for victims of natural and man-made disasters. For more information, please visit www.jdc.org